Edition 2018

See how it was

About the conference

The E-volution Conference is getting more and more popular year by year. Here is a short summary of the previous edition, which took place in Wroclaw. We are excited about such positive feedback on the event so this year we are inviting you to a two-day conference. If you are not convinced, watch the video, read the reviews, check out our Social Media or simply get in touch with us. We will gladly dispel your doubts. Let your sales abroad go through a real EVOLUTION!

They were with us


Karolina Gierszewska

Karolina Gierszewska

Tax advisor EDCP

Mateusz Grzywnowicz

Mateusz Grzywnowicz

Expert / sales trainer on Ebay and Amazon

Delphine Alaurent

Delphine Alaurent

An e-commerce market specialist in the French colissimo branch

Marcin Krupicz

Marcin Krupicz

CEO at Mercheo

Szymon Niestryjewski

Szymon Niestryjewski

Founder of SN Accounts

Dariusz Kowalczyk

Dariusz Kowalczyk


Trusted Shops

Trusted Shops

Country Manager Trusted Shops in Poland

Maxime Zablot

Maxime Zablot

International Business & Partnership Developer

Thomas Roelens

Thomas Roelens

International Business & Partnership Developer

Cyprian Iwuc

Cyprian Iwuc

Skarpetkowelove.pl / iwuc.pl

Damian Wiszowaty

Damian Wiszowaty

CEO Gonito

Krzysztof Folek

Krzysztof Folek

Enterprise Sales Manager for Central & Eastern Europe

Maciej Grabowski

Maciej Grabowski

CEO Tapiso

Michał Tryka

Michał Tryka

Project Manager

Event’s schedule


09:00 - 
Methods of sale on the French market

Delphine Alaurent – An e-commerce market specialist in the French colissimo branch

Methods of sale on the French market

Have you given thought to the French market? Have you encountered a great wall of obstacles?

Language, no knowledge about the market, know-how – this is only part of the problems that you may stumble across when trying to become present on the French market. Knowing this, we have invited Mrs. Delphine Alaurent to our conference; she is a person who has no equal in terms of knowledge about selling products on the French market.

Mrs. Delphine will share, among other things, her experience in cooperation with French online stores – their approach to trade, marketing on this foreign market. Additionally, she will reveal efficient methods of marketing and say a few words about obstacles in trade on the French market.

If you want to find out how to evaluate the potential of your product on the French market and what strategy to adopt on the e-commerce market in France – this lecture is for you.

09:30 - 
Cdiscount – one of the leading marketplacs on the French market

Thomas Roelens – International Business & Partnership Developer

Cdiscount – one of the leading marketplacs on the French market

Get to know one of the leading marketplacs on the market in France and learn all the tips that will help you succeed on one of the 3 most-potential e-commerce markets in Europe.

The main specialists Maxime Zablot and Thomas Roelens will tell you how to start selling at one of the largest marketplaces in France. From the creation of an account to the correct listing of the auction – as well as a conversation with the client. After this lecture you will be able to start selling on the French market .

10:00 - 
How to transform a small e-commerce into a big brand?

Marcin Krupicz – CEO at Mercheo

How to transform a small e-commerce into a big brand?

Do you feel like your store has become stagnant? The number of monthly sales is not satisfactory? Mr. Marcin Kupicz will help you find a solution to this problem.

Thanks to the five most important rules in online sale prepared by Mr. Marcin, you will be able to overcome barriers and use the potential of cross-border e-commerce. On the basis of his own experiences, Marcin Krupicz – the “serial entrepreneur”, will tell you about the main factors that influence success in international online sale.

10:30 - 
How to prepare for online sale on other European markets

Trusted Shops – Country Manager Trusted Shops in Poland

How to prepare for online sale on other European markets

How to prepare for online sale on other European markets? From legal aspects of foreign expansion to standards of services and differences in the needs of local consumers.

You will find out about legal regulations that favor expansion of online stores in Europe, and the most common mistakes that may result in imposition of penalties on sellers. Mrs. Anna will also demonstrate how these regulations relate to services and benefits offered to buyers by leaders of the most important European markets. Additionally – what the expectations of those consumers, shaped by such practices, are.

11:00 - 

Coffee break

11:30 - 
The most common mistakes of Polish sellers on eBay

Mateusz Grzywnowicz – Ekspert/szkoleniowiec sprzedaży na Ebay oraz Amazon

The most common mistakes of Polish sellers on eBay

Przepustką do handlu na rynku międzynarodowym może być sprzedaż na Ebay – jeden z najbardziej popularnych miejsc do sprzedaży w Europie.

Thanks to Ebay, each of you – e-sellers – can reach millions of customers around the world using this platform – using less known – or more well-known selling techniques. But is it enough? Unfortunately, this is not so easy – remember many rules to avoid mistakes at the start of our sales – often this unfortunately results in blocking our account.

Therefore – realizing how many of you had to deal with similar problems – Mr. Mateusz Grzywnowicz will indicate the most common mistakes and problems faced by Polish sellers offering their products on eBay. In addition, he will show that by avoiding them you will generate much more sales for your company on this European portal.

12:00 - 
PayPal - blocking and unblocking accounts on the basis of examples

Krzysztof Folek – Enterprise Sales Manager for Central & Eastern Europe

PayPal - blocking and unblocking accounts on the basis of examples

The PayPal expert will demonstrate ways to configure your account with various national accounts on eBay and show you the format of bank transfers to foreign currency accounts.

On top of that, he will touch upon the subject of blocking and unblocking accounts on the basis of examples of big as well as smaller brands that sell on market place on eBay.

If you currently have or have had any troubles with PayPal accounts – our expert in the field will answer all your questions, additionally warning you on how to avoid similar problems.

The person and subject of the agenda will be announced by the end of August.

12:30 - 
Print on Demand – or Grupon in practice

Michał Tryka – Project Manager

Print on Demand – or Grupon in practice

Achieving success in online sales is currently very complex and difficult.

Getting to the recipients and encouraging them to buy requires a lot of effort and refinement of many processes that will eventually give you an edge over the competition.

In the case of print-on-demand products, new challenges appear which I will present on the example of the Colorland brand. and sales by Groupon. Groupon as a sales channel, or perhaps a more loyal customer acquisition channel, may be a great idea for the expansion of sales abroad.

13:00 - 
Practical tips on how to increase sales on Amazon and Ebay

Maciej Grabowski – CEO Tapiso

Practical tips on how to increase sales on Amazon and Ebay

Probably the most common questions asked by novice entrepreneurs is to expand their sales to foreign markets.

Mr. Maciej Grabowski – the owner of the Tapiso company – one of the leading sellers on foreign markets will tell you based on his experience, which ways allowed him to increase his sales conversions.

If you are looking for practical tips taken from the history of one of the leading entrepreneurs – this lecture is especially for you.

13:30 - 


14:30 - 
How to pursue economic activity in the UK?

Szymon Niestryjewski – Founder of SN Accounts

How to pursue economic activity in the UK?

The presentation by Szymon Niestryjewski comprises practical knowledge in accountancy in the area of establishing and conducting own business in Great Britain.

During the lecture, you will find out, amongst all, about all requirements that need to be met in order to legally sell your products in the UK, with an additional presentation of tax rates in force.

The second part of the presentation will be devoted to VAT registration for companies outside the UK, required documents, when to submit them and what TAX rates are in force for selected products. On top of that, you will find out the pros and cons of owning a company in the UK and mistakes that should be avoided.

15:00 - 
Format of online sale in Germany

Dariusz Kowalczyk – CEO GIA Trust

Format of online sale in Germany

Mr. Dariusz Kowalczyk will demonstrate detailed knowledge about the format in which you may conduct online sale in Germany.

Additionally, you will find out how to avoid problems with your business’s tax registration and what mistakes to avoid during.

Exemplary subjects of speaker:

Forms of conducting business by Polish online stores in Germany

Practical approach of tax offices in Germany to establishing business and paying VAT in Germany.

15:30 - 
Is it worth registering business outside Poland?

Karolina Gierszewska – Tax advisor EDCP

Is it worth registering business outside Poland?

Mrs. Karolina’s lectures will give you knowledge on the traps that await for Polish entrepreneurs who conduct online sale to other EU countries.

These subjects, as well as many more will be discussed by experts of the Polish consulting firm ECDP Group, which provides comprehensive support for entrepreneurs in the scope of taxes, law and accountancy in Europe.

If you are thinking about starting a business abroad – this lecture was made specially for you.

16:00 - 

Coffee break

16:30 - 
How to win on Amazon

Cyprian Iwuc – Skarpetkowelove.pl / iwuc.pl

How to win on Amazon

An unquestionable expert in Poland, practitioner, enthusiast and promoter of foreign sale will reveal how to achieve success on foreign Amazon markets.

During Cyprian’s presentation, you will find out what to do to win on Amazon, at the same time minimizing the mistakes made.

Amazon is a very dynamic environment, with significant changes taking place literally every minute; if we don’t keep up with these changes – we lose. Cyprian will tell you about, among other things, obvious factors of success in the demanding area of sales in Amazon. We will also discuss how to scale business on Amazon to work less, at the same time achieving more, with emphasis put on international expansion.

It doesn’t matter whether you are already selling or planning to enter Amazon – Mr. Cyprian will demonstrate knowledge, that will prove useful to both die-hard experts and rookies.

17:00 - 
Amazon - threats and safeguards

Damian Wiszowaty – CEO Gonito

Amazon - threats and safeguards

To a great extent, the platform policy limits you – the sellers – full freedom of activity and cash flow.

Where lies the reason behind this? Its core is, of course, the Amazon regulations.

Damian will present the threats, restrictions and limitations put before the sellers on this world-famous portal. First of all, he will demonstrate how to comprehensively secure your business, sale and intellectual property before the clients, competition and negative results of violation of regulations and business practice on Amazon.

17:30 - 
